Honeybells. They are juicy. Very juicy.
I love Honeybell Kisses, the smallest variety of these oranges. Once you snack you don't go back!
They come with bibs and a juicer that you stick in them. Sometimes with little Honeybell candies, which are yummy too.
If you want one, you can't. You have to wait till next January. :P
You can reserve them now though, from Cushman's which is owned by Harry & David.
Speaking of David, I bet he would like these. Unless he doesnt like to get his hands dirty or sticky. Wear gloves.
See how I worked that in there?
most excellent post.
David will be tempted.
I love Harry and David.
I ordered my BIL a bunch of H&D fruit for Christmas. I wonder if I selected Honeybells. Hm.
oh, and if David wanted one, I'd totally share a Honeybell with him.
Which will you spam more, twitter or Random Archie?
Ha! Well I am almost up to 100k on twitter. You judge.
I could not peel that second honeybell.
Frog has some kinda little magic hands.
I like spamming here cause no one can count them.
LOL. cept i forgot i have comments sent to my email ROFL. Might have to disable that.
or not, and I'll hush.
Oh, I love Honeybells. They're soooo good :)
omigosh! you eat them too??? Y U NO SAY?
cuz I don't wanna share :P
no, actually I was given a few from my generous brother-in-law :D
Tam likes them filled with the 80 proof liquids
Trudi, where do I order those? *takes out credit card*
First things first Tam . You need supplies http://www.newsrealblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/orange_syringe.jpg
How are these different from clementines?
They are actually a cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit. They actually come in several sizes. the smallest not much bigger than a clementine, the biggest like an orange.
"Actually HoneyBells are not oranges at all. They’re a unique natural hybrid of Dancy Tangerine and Duncan Grapefruit, which are both seeded fruit. But … HoneyBells usually have no seeds."
here is Cushman's FAQ page
I did it! I did it!
*peeled my first Honeybell without squishing all the juice out*
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