Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rising Star Outreach Pathway of Hope Dedication

David made a trip to India recently to visit and help out with Rising Star Outreach. They sent out a newsletter that included pictures of David and his mom, Lupe, at the Pathway of Hope dedication. I think its great that he was able to go do this and experience it.

But I think my favorite photo from the newsletter is this little guy below!

Rising Star Outreach February Newsletter
(Dont have a PDF viewer? Check out the letter after the jump)

Visit www.risingstaroutreach.org to learn more.

(Click each page to enlarge)


KH said...

IDK, seems to me that since I became David's fan, I have uttered the, well, utterance, "awwww" a million times.

I'm happy that David got to do this for his sake, and for mine. I learned a lot and got to support something I believe in.

And yes, that little boy's photo is priceless. (And awww-worthy.)

KH said...

P.S. My cat is a little miffed that I *had* to type that, up there ^^^ instead of indulging his sudden need to be pet while he stood in front of my keyboard and screen.

frogcooke said...

It's the way of the cat. It's them or nothing.

karenkid said...


karenkid said...

When I was awake last night (for 3 hours) I was thinking how perfectly this blog was named.

'cause Frog is THE MOST random Archie (or person) ever.

Really, couldn't be more perfectly named and I can't wait to see blogs on anything and everything that comes to her mind.

Her mind is fun. :D

karenkid said...

oh, and timesharekitty walked on me again this morning.

Cats really do walk all over us.

omygoshashley said...
